Monday, January 30, 2012

Water & Google Alerts

     After our discussion on water, the many issues surrounding fresh water are very evident. As American’s we are very wasteful people. We waste thousands of gallons of water each day while some child over in Africa has to walk an hour just to get a gallon of water that is not even safe to drink. Although we have access to a lot of the world’s fresh water, it is not right for us to continue to waste it. Not only is wasting water an issue, but using so much of it that it causes environmental issues. When we tap into tributaries to divert water from rivers to cities, it destroys the river’s natural flow. In the end it can kill fish and vegetation. We cause these issues by building dams and diverting water. We need to start thinking about the consequences to the environment before we continue to destroy it all.
            One of my Google Alerts issues is “Nuclear Environmental Issues.” Lately I have read quite a few articles about the Fukushima disaster in Japan. One of the articles talked about the use of Nuclear power as being an economical decision due to the jobs it would produce. They did not think of any environmental issues that the use of Nuclear power would cause. They are now currently looking into more environmentally safe power producers such as wind mills and solar energy to produce Japan’s power. 

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