Monday, January 16, 2012

Environmental Issue

     One of the great environmental issues that we face today is the use of nuclear technology. Radioactive byproducts from the use of nuclear technology cause many environmental issues. From the mining process of nuclear fuel to the waste, all of it is damaging to the Earth. Every time we mine for Uranium we contaminate ground water making it radioactive. After the Uranium is spent it is still radioactive and is buried underground.  Radioactivity is damaging to the environment and all living things. By using Nash’s idea of Island Civilization we can eliminate the use of nuclear technology or at least not damage the Earth nearly as much by not needing as much power. Lower populations would not require as much energy to survive, so the use of nuclear power plants would not be needed to support smaller civilizations. Not needing nuclear power would reduce the amount of Uranium need and thus reduce the amount of groundwater and land contamination.

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