Friday, April 20, 2012

PowerPoint Review

Let me know your thoughts!


  1. I thought your presentation was very good. It was really informative and I learned about Clayton.

  2. I like how you started out with the background in your presentation. It serves well as an “introduction.” Showing the population growth was a good idea to give the audience an idea of how much it has grown in the past few decades. I like the Industrial Landscape slide because your picture was familiar and could catch the audience’s attention. The Change in Clayton slide was my favorite. It was a really unique way of showing how much Clayton has grown. You did a really good job of connecting your slides to each other. You really seemed like you knew what you were talking about. Good job!

  3. Good job on your presentation. You knew your stuff.

  4. Great job presenting. You were very professional and you provided insight on Clayton NC. Your slides were very organized and easy to read. The only complaint I have is the coloring of your pie charts. The greens were hard to differentiate... for me at least.

  5. Although not actually in class on Friday, the comments above lead me to believe that you did a great job!! It looks like your slide were great and you knew Clayton well! Good job.

  6. Also wasnt in class...buttt, if i had been i know you would've done an awesome job! Professionalism is key, sounds like you handled that well.

  7. You were very well spoken throughout your entire presentation. The pictures and animations also helped emphasize your information. Very well done!

  8. You're presentation was one of the best in my opinion. You were very professional and spoke loud and clear. I liked your picture of the change in Clayton between 2004 and 2010. Good job!

  9. You were seriously the most professional I would definitely say. Your tone of voice is very clear, which could be both a good or bad thing. For me, seriousness sort of bores me, I would have liked a little more humor; but this isnt' a comedy class; its English and you got the message across. Overall, you did an excellent job. Again, professionalism goes along well! Great job!

  10. I really liked your presentation. Like Kaitlyn, I agree that your presentation was definitely one of the best. It was interactive and the pictures really made a huge difference because they were relevant. Great presentation.
