Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Powerpoint Thoughts

Creating a Powerpoint is a lot more interesting than writing a paper. Typically papers contain a lot of fluff just so that they meet a page length. Powerpoints give all the same information without the fluff. Plus they are a lot more enjoyable to make than sitting and writing for hours on end. In most papers you do not get to use pictures and charts, where as with powerpoint they add a whole lot to the presentation. Powerpoints also show that you know the information that you are presenting. With a paper, most of the time, you look up the information, write it down and forget about it. With a powerpoint, you have to know what you are talking about when you give the presentation, because if you do not know what you are talking about, people can tell by the way you present. All around, using powerpoint is a much more enjoyable experience than writing a paper.

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